"They" say write down your joys so here are mine

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“They” say writing down your joys bring you more joy and at the time I wrote this I felt like I needed more joy and a ton more gratitude for what life I do have. So here it goes…

  1. Sleeping next to Sophie in fresh sheets and waking up to her smile

  2. An ice cold beer in an ice cold mug

  3. My husbands laughs - it makes me giggle

  4. Fresh threaded eyebrows

  5. Stories - love to hear people tell their stories especially old people about the past or an good old underdog story like the one from my favorite movie Rudy

  6. Asking questions - my grandma would always respond to me with "Why is a crocket letter."

  7. NYC skyline sunsets - it is a work of art

  8. Circles of like minded women talking substance sharing wins and tears

  9. Learning something new - anything really just something I did not know just a second before large or small.

  10. A perfect hair day

  11. Luke warm black tea in an inspirational mug reading the September issue of InStyle or Marie Claire

  12. Upgrades of anything

  13. Lunch dates

  14. Witty women who use their voice

  15. People watching sitting on a NYC sidewalk cafe

  16. Dewy glowing skin

  17. Anything with my name on it

  18. Sophie's words - they are a coming

  19. Being an aunt

  20. Hole in the wall spots in a local area meeting and talking to people who actually live there

With courage, grace and lady balls,

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